From being a Make A Wish kid to growing up to have twins of her own, Savannah doesn’t look at being born HIV+ as a curse bestowed upon her. In this episode Savannah shares her journey and what she has learned along the way.
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Show Notes
Far Rockaway, Queens | Childhood Games | Daydreaming | 20/20 is Hindsight | Spoiled by Pops | Don’t Leave the Block | Watching Moms getting Ready for Work | Mickey D’s | The Calm Before the Storm | In Comes the Hospital Bed | Adults are just Moving | No Name for it Yet | AIDS Related Dementia | You’re not Going to Understand | A Time in a Capsule | Life is just Chapters in a Book | Managing Trauma | Full Fledge Resiliency throughout the Experience | Childhood Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | When Imagination becomes your Solace | Suffer through the Nightmares | The Hardy Boys | Nancy Drew | Crime and Punishment | Harlem Hospital | AZT Medicine | Not Your Average Kid | The House Visit | Only the Lonely | Don’t Want to Live Anymore | Dying at Different Points and Time | Kid Logic | Three Sixes | Make A Wish Kid | The Big Secret | Ryan White | Getting Rejecting | Not Giving up the Goodies | Living Long Enough to Graduate | A Y2K Situation | Experimental Drugs | Kidney Stones and Shingles | The Monkey’s Paw | Horrible Side Effects | Waiting for Science to Catch-Up | The Stigma is the Stigma | All Life has Purpose | Only Tell the Story for a Purpose

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